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A bouquet of white roses in an old-fashioned silver vase as a table decoration

A bouquet of white roses in an old-fashioned silver vase as a table decoration

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Set table in dining room with elegant period furniture, chandelier and dresser
Pots, pans and kitchen utensils on wall-mounted shelf above dining table in kitchen
Butter, black pepper and salt in small wooden bowls
A bouquet of white roses in an old-fashioned silver vase as a table decoration
Vintage wine carafe, salt and black pepper
Tomatoes with mozzarella and rocket on a table laid for a meal
Stylish place setting with a wooden plate, napkin and silver cutlery
Fried fish with lemon and dill
Bedroom with single bed, floral curtain, scatter cushion and leather chair as bedside table
A chunk of white bread on a pewter plate

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Cape Style
© Reportaje de Great Stock! | 20 Imágenes y Texto

Nostalgic, country-style accessories from Idaba capture the vintage charms of objects made a generation ago. Take a plunge into the past with vintage design at Krpseberg Farm where the 21st century seems far, far away.

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ID de la Imagen:11149120
Subtítulo:A bouquet of white roses in an old-fashioned silver vase as a table decoration
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Great Stock!
Tamaño de fotografía:3414 px x 5120 px