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A bride's bouquet on an antique sofa

A bride's bouquet on an antique sofa

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Wedding accessories: a jewellery box, keys and silk flowers
Wedding decoration: a bird cage with butterflies
Macaroons, wedding presents and a bunch of flowers
Wedding cakes with marzipan roses
A three tier wedding cake in pink and white
Wedding accessories: perfume, scented candles and the bridal bouquet
A bride's bouquet on an antique sofa
A three tier wedding cake with purple marzipan roses
A cake buffet with wedding cakes
Wedding accessories: a ring holder and silk flowers
A wedding cake with rose petals
Cupcakes for a wedding
A wedding cake with rose petals
Cupcakes with sugar flowers for a wedding

Esta fotografía forma parte de un reportaje

Wedding Bliss
© Reportaje de Heinze, Winfried | 14 Imágenes y Texto

A perfectly fabulous cake is the key to a memorable wedding. Here’s how to marry traditional sugarcraft with a stylish and contemporary look that will leave everyone with happy memories. Fresh rose petals and ribbons, a pastel array of flowered cupcakes, marzipan roses or scalloped daisy wreaths in pink icing: every cake is a work of art.

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:00457674
Subtítulo:A bride's bouquet on an antique sofa
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Heinze, Winfried
Tamaño de fotografía:3410 px x 5125 px
Restricciones: clearance required for book covers